Mohammed Mulla who is the Assistant Director of Learning: PE for Tauheedul Boys School in Blackburn approached Blackburn Harriers Secretary to see if we could host a two day taster athletic session for some two hundred students from that school.
With that many young people to organise and Coach it is quite challenging, but working in co-operation with the School, the two days went off in a very organised and enjoyable way. with all students getting an opportunity to try out on all of the disciplines.
Sessions covered Hurdles, Sprints, Discus, Javelin, Long Jump and High Jump with the students moving round the different groups throughout the day and then a younger group of students participated on the second day.
The weather stayed fine and the sessions went really well, so much so that Head of PE Mr.Mulla commented “to see the way the boys stepped up to the challenging sessions delivered by Blackburn Harriers Athletics Club was fantastic. Everyone was engaged and a positive culture was created for every pupil to achieve. This has now opened doors for our pupils to try something new which will have a positive impact on them for the rest of their lives”.
The Coaches and athletes who supervised the two days were also enthused with one saying that she had “Had a fab couple of days coaching at Witton Park – students from Tauheedul School, some talented young athletes and it would be amazing to see some down at training and competing for the club in the future. The young lads were respectful and engaging and I hope they enjoyed the sessions”. Another said that he “really enjoyed an alternative view on athletics as a coach, was very enjoyable and a great learning experience”, whilst another senior athlete echoed Wendy’s comments and added “it would be good even if we only got one lad to come and join up!”
Connor Makin who helped run the two days ensuring the schedules worked, kept to time and everyone catered for had this to say about working with the students and the school “Thoroughly enjoyed my time with Tauheedul school for the two days this past week, plenty of promising, young talents and more importantly a great snapshot of their willingness to learn and enjoy themselves. It’s always a privilege to teach kids that have that glimmer of passion for learning and want to enjoy themselves, all that’s left to say is to wish them ‘happy hurdling’ in the future I hope to see plenty of them down at the track getting stuck in with all of the events and enjoying themselves as much I believe they did this week”.