Over 9000 runners – including 3000 women – took part in the United Airlines Rock ‘n’ Roll Half-Marathon in San Francisco last weekend – March 26th. Blackburn Harrier Rachel Wood was over there on holiday and decided to run the Race and what a Race she had being 1st Woman on the day with a winning time of 85.29. Given the nature of the Course her time looks extremely good and sees her in PB shape.
After the Race Rachel spoke to the Club about her experience saying that “I travelled around Calfornia (LA/Vegas and San Francisco) with friends from university last week and decided to race the Rock ‘n’ Roll San Francisco half marathon to finish my USA trip in style! The race started at 6.15 in the morning. Weather was cold and wet. The course was extremely hilly. I loved racing across Golden Gate Bridge, it is such an iconic landmark, i was just buzzing running across it I didn’t expect to run a fast time as my preparation was not the best. I won the ladies race by 3 minutes and my time was 1:25.29 which isn’t bad considering the steep hills. I am going to start my marathon prep for Berlin in September soon which i am excited about”.
See Rachel’s interview after the Race⇒HERE
On this form and on the fast Berlin course, expect another big performance from Rachel.