Seven hundred and one finishers at this years Three Peaks Race, staged in bad weather and best summed up by one of the Harriers – Richard Taylor – when he said “Rough – drizzle all round PYG with low cloud and strong winds on top. Sleet and driving wind up Whernside. Snowing on Ingleborough. Underfoot was squelchy most of the way up Whernside – couldn’t feel my feet for an hour. Slippy off Ingleborough on all the wet limestone”
Not a day for the faint hearted!
(some photos courtesy of and Andy Holden)
Full Results HERE
Shaun Livesey led the Harriers home in a fine 66th place with a time of 3.34.39. He said “I was gonna go out hard, however I payed the price. Still 4 mins quicker than last year in what were poor weather conditions. Still next year”.
Helen Leigh was next home in 108th place – and 4th Woman overall – with a PB on the course – knocking 13 minutes off her previous best and in such bad weather – finishing in a great time of 3.42.27 and said after the Race that she was “Well chuffed with this …..Felt strong despite occasional vomit in mouth and mild hypothermia. Hard work paying off” No faint hearts there then!
Chris Barnes took 166th place in a time of 3.54.17 – Gary Pearse placed 184th in 3.56.57 – Andy Heyes with a time of 4:36 finished 464th and Richard Taylor 686th in 5.24.21. Commenting again on the conditions Richard told us having done 6 Three Peak Races that “The toughest – Whernside was the worst I’ve known it in recent years. Wet, almost freezing cold underfoot and sideways sleeting towards the top. You then run off in to the wind and sleet”.
Matt Nuttall and Beckie Taylor went into the Race carrying injuries and paid the price – not helped by the conditions – and unfortunately had to drop out – Matt at Hill Inn and Beckie at Higher Birkwith.